Friday, October 19, 2012

Let the "grades blitz" begin.

In a couple of hours from the time I'm writing this blog entry, thousands of Thomasians will take to their computer sets, open their internet browsers and once again browse through the myUSTe Student Portal Website.

myUSTe Student Portal

As you may know already, the myUSTe Student Portal is where thousands of Thomasian students check their status in the university which includes their grades from every semester they took up, Wi-Fi account status, class schedules, course offerings, online evaluations as well as online enrollment.

Last semester, browsing through the website when the grades came out was relatively easy as students were able to see their grades much faster. I got to see my grades in less than a minute after I logged in to check out my grades.

Unlike in previous years, where the site always crash and students would have to wait from minutes to hours before they can pull through the heavy site traffic which the site can not handle back in those times to log in and see their grades.

A new feature that can be seen in the website is called Student Deficiencies. It shows the subjects a student has yet to take in order to graduate at the university. If a current subject you are taking shows up on the list. It could mean a couple of things, it's either you fail, you're incomplete, or the professor has yet to encode your grades.

As of this moment I write this blog entry, the GWA (General Weighted Average) of some of my Thomasian PEEPS had already changed, most notable would be from Pharmacy. So the grades are starting to be placed into the website.

So here we are once again. The long wait is over, our España journeys are on the line. Right now, all I can hope for is to PASS all subjects and still be a regular student. Being back in the Dean's List (which I was a part for the first 3 semesters of my Thomasian student life) will be a bonus for me if I'll ever be back. But still I'm pursuing to finish with Latin Honors. A Cum Laude will be good enough for me. But as I say this, I believe that grades do not measure how good a person can be in life.

As I end this blog entry, I want to say to all the Thomasians out there, Good luck! and I hope we get through with flying colors.



  1. If I have a student deficiency for the first sem, does that mean I can't take the 2nd sem?

    1. It depends on the scenario you are in. But it's highly possible you'll become a irregular student for the second semester. Better ask your department head about it, you'll have a chance to talk of the situation. =)


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