Saturday, February 23, 2013

They may be on tour, but we found a way to have some fun.

On a cloudy Thursday afternoon, while most of my blockmates are out of the country and having their tour around the Land of the Morning Calm, I thought that it was a perfect day to do something big, because of the circumstances brought about by these events. I decided to throw my "victory party" on that day together with my blockmates who like me were unable to come to the tour up north. It was a "victory party", because of my recent successes, and it was a better way for me to say THANK YOU for all their support and prayers in my recent endeavor. It was also a great opportunity to have some fun and celebrate, even if we're not a part of the tour.

We're not complete on this photo, since not all of us who were left behind showed up.
Also a special appearance by our Stat prof.
Photo ©Karl Carandang

On the menu for the day was a 18'' Hawaiian Yellow Cab Pizza, as well as Coke and Mountain Dew. Which all I paid for, as well as the cups for the drinks.

Photos ©Karl Carandang

So yeah, we celebrated over good music, great bonding time, and nice food. It was indeed fun for all of us, and I'm happy to have a great time with these fellas over here. I even raffled off the Moonleaf Planner I won at the last contest. Even though the time we spent on this was kinda short, it proves that we can celebrate and have a good time even if we're not with the rest on tour.

Sorry, I can't help but to show these photos of some of the people special to me. Hehe!
Photos ©Karl Carandang

I'm not sure if this will ever happen again in my lifetime as a Thomasian student, but I would like to thank my blockmates Gui, Trixia, Marx, Nicole, Amethy, Carms, Marrick, Era, Cza and Abi as well as my good friend Tony and of course our Stat Prof Sir Robert Arenas for the opportunity to spend this great time together last Thursday.

So as I write this blog entry, well they're on their way back to the Philippines, and my "interesting" week comes to an end. Interesting in a sense, how would the school week go with most of people in my class gone on tour. Well, it lived up to what I expected of this week, and it's back to reality for all of us next week, and one last contest for me to end the month with a BANG!

Thankful and Blessed. Who says we can't have some fun?

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