Sunday, November 4, 2012

Winding down the sembreak. Back to the grind in a couple of hours.

Today is the final day of the semestral break which began three weeks ago. Well, it was an eventful one. From going home to the province to catch some cool air, to going out watching a basketball game live. From playing basketball with some of my friends to the ever feared release of the grades from the last semester. From the end of the college basketball season to the start of a new NBA season. From lazy days at home to active mornings playing hoops every morning, and a lot of other happenings this semestral break.  

Unfortunately, there was one thing that I was unable to do during the semestral break, and that was to try out NBA 2K13. I installed it successfully on my PC. Unfortunately, the game never played. It turned out the OS I'm using is not up to date and cannot carry the game. Well, I wanted to try it out on a computer shop. Then again, most of the time I was broke all vacation long due to the fact I don't get allowance (when I get some to go out, it's spent right away). Well I should learn saving money. One day, I'll finally get to try the game. I really wanted to use the Houston Rockets with James Harden aboard once I get the chance.

Well in a few hours, it's back to the grind of going back to school to continue my España journey. Well, on the first day. It happened that we only have one class since most of my classes in the morning will be cut to make way for a faculty meeting prior to the start of the year. This year, I'm aiming for a comeback. Easier said than done, but I'm all in and ready to bring everything I have. It will be a challenging semester for sure. Still, we need to stay positive and find fun in tough situations. I hope I can make the best of this coming semester, because right now, I need a good one this semester. I cannot wait to see all of my friends at school.

The journey continues, the return begins.
K-Smoove is all in

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